


Drage ljubiteljice i ljubitelji pisane i slikovne riječi, i svi vi koji ćete to tek postati!

Širiti ljubav, stvarati i voljeti, biti sretna i imati snove moja je misija. To put je koji slijedim i cilj kojem stremim. Svi to zaslužujemo i nitko ne bi smio živjeti s mišlju da je sreća za neke druge ili s uvjerenjem da su mu želje i snovi preveliki. Ljubav je svemoćna: strpljiva i nježna, zaštitnička i ohrabrujuća, bez zavisti i ljubomore... Ljubav je vjera i nada - zato, imajmo snove i živimo ljubav!

Dobro mi došli!

Tuesday, March 17, 2020

OPA ANTHOLOGY Of Poetry 2020 “Striving for SURVIVAL”, 2020.

Dear Friend,
Our Poetry Archive is extending an open invitation to you to participate in the upcoming OPA ANTHOLOGY Of Poetry 2020 “Striving for SURVIVAL”. The expected date of publication of this Anthology is 10th JULY 2020. We’ll be really obliged if you would contribute in this anthology with at least 3 poems along with your current profile picture. You can also add your short Bio written only in 3rd person narrative. Submission of poetry to our mail address will be considered as the explicit confirmation of your permission to publish your copyrighted materials in OPA ANTHOLOGY OF POETRY 2020. Please do send your contributions attached only in one single MS-WORD file with your mail at the earliest.
Last Date of Submission is 30th March 2020./The Mail address for this ANTHOLOGY is <> pdf file is not acceptable!
OPA - ANTOLOGIJA POEZIJE 2020. "TEŽNJA ZA PREŽIVLJAVANJEM"/OPA ANTOLOGY OF POETRY 2020 "STRIVING FOR SURVIVAL"... Zahvalna i čestitke kolegama širom svijeta! Thank you
NilavroNill Shoovro
(From the editorial desk) !!!
Dragi pjesnici i prijatelji,
stvarno smo presretni što možemo objaviti da je sada objavljena puno očekivana OPA antologija poezije 2020 'Težnja za preživljavanjem'. Izdanje ćete pronaći na:
Ostajemo dužni svakom pjesniku koji je sudjelovao u ovoj antologiji. Stvarno nam je žao što iz različitih razloga nismo mogli odabrati sve prijave, a ipak ostajemo uvijek zahvalni svima njima. Naš glavni cilj ove antologije bio je iznijeti jednu reprezentativnu zbirku kreativnih briljantnosti pjesnika diljem svijeta danas. Nadamo se da će naši čitatelji pronaći ovu antologiju kao korisnu zbirku referenci i da će dobiti ogromno zadovoljstvo čitajući više od šest stotina pjesama od 182 pjesnika sa svih kontinenata.
Hvala vam.
NilavroNill Shoovro
(Iz uredničkog stola)


No more, my mother, those flowers

In front of our house in my eyes;

It's the time of some other worlds

And harder and harder the grass breathes.

Like the numb dead silence

Around our house the wasteland  has folded  her wings,

There the evil Satan naps,

For new campaigns he strengthens his wings...

But do not worry! In my thoughts

Cheerful,  fragrant and  vivid are the colours;

I am standing with you in our tiny paradise parts,

I'm chasing away the grey clouds with the strings of flowers.

In our eyes there is the luxurious dance of the butterflies,

Around us and within us there is the joy of living;

With you,  the music of love my heart  feels,

Floral and innocent, the dream meadow-

My mum, my loved, my heart is singing!


They were teaching me to believe:

In order, work and honesty,

In God, Church and the people,

In angels and devils,

In the beauty of paradise

And in the hellfire horror...

And I believed:

That nice word all doors opens,

That smile is the mirror of the soul,

That promise is the same as the oath,

That love all barriers breaks,

That righteousness the peace to the soul gives...

I believed, as others believe,

See, understand, hear...

But all around me

Fake believers,

Greedy bastards,

The slaves of the egoism...

The silence of the children dying

And the pure love yelling!



For love made,

With sacred gifts



In her heart,

Her joy

When giving,


When caressing...

To heaven


By the smile

Of new life


Albeit tearful!

And beaten,

And wounded,

And murdered.


Zdenka Mlinar

ožujka 2020.