Haiku Column, October 19, 2021 - Thank you, dear Ms. 向瀬美音, Ms. 中野千秋 and Prof. Nagata Mitunori for publishing and translating my three haiku works. 💗
Days of bread
gratitude for the gifts of the earth
日々のパン大地の恵みに感謝して 千秋
Dani kruha
zahvalnost za darove zemlje
autumn in kindergarten
my grandson is a baker
わが孫はパン屋や秋の幼稚園 千秋
jesen u vrtiću
moj unuk je pekar
the smell of roasted pumpkin seeds
school love
初恋は南瓜の種を焼く匂ひ 千秋
miris prženih
sjemenki bundeve
školska ljubav